New Kitchen Construction Progress
The new commercial kitchen for Hope’s Corner is well underway! The current schedule is for completion in March 2019. The new kitchen will be nearly double in size, include a walk-in refrigerator, commercial dishwasher and laundry room. The exterior improvements include a new ramp to the Hope Street parking lot (completed in October), repairs to the sidewalks and curb ramp surrounding the property on three sides and a level interior courtyard between the Sanctuary and the kitchen. Anyone who has wheeled a service cart between the Sanctuary and the old kitchen will appreciate this! The new kitchen will enable Hope’s Corner to expand and improve our services to those in need. Check back to this page to see photo update of the progress.
4-02-2019 New kitchen equipment going into place
4-02-2019 New kitchen equipment
3-14-2019 Cool storage in place
3-14-2019 New kitchen equipment ready to go
3-14-2019 Assembly Hall
3-14-2019 New doors

3-13-2019 Kitchen venting is in

3-13-2019 New cabinets going in

3-13-2019 View from Kitchen to Assembly Hall
3-07-2019 Work on the Assembly Hall
3-01-2019 Second floor walls finished
3-01-2019 Finishing up the second floor deck
2-27-2019 Kitchen drywall is up
2-27-2019 Kitchen space
2-28-2019 Stucco on the second floor walls
2-24-2019 Getting ready to stucco the new walls

1-22-2019 Second floor construction

1-19-2019 Pipework for Assembly Hall and Kitchen

12-28-2018 Looking toward Hope St. at new walk-in

12-28-2018 Working on second floor entry deck

12-28-2018 Working on second floor
12-14-2018 Framing second floor underway
11-29-2018 Framing begins
11-22-2018 Mercy St. entry ramp completed
11-21-2018 Slab poured
2018-11-08 Drain lines going in
2018-11-03 Kitchen/laundry foundation footings
2018-11-07 Grease interceptor going in
2018-11-2 Foundation footings
2018-10-26 New ramp and railing completed
2018-10-25 Old slab removed
2018-10-15 Parking lot restriping
2018-10-12 Demolition of building exterior
2018-10-04 Trees removed for walking clearance
2018-10-02 Stairs to parking lot removed (encroached onto City sidewalk)
2018-09-28 Pre-demolition narrow sidewalk

New kitchen floor plan

New kitchen plan section