Breakfast Service
Day: Saturdays 7am-11:30am
Age Requirement: 16 years+
Duties include:
1st shift from 7am-9am will make salads and bag lunches during the first hour that we will be passing out during meal time. The 2nd hour will be working the meal service and jobs will be assigned on that day. Jobs are managing the recycling center, passing out bag lunches, helping with dishes, serving food, etc..
2nd shift from 8:45am-11:30am will start with volunteering for the meal service during the first hour as you sub in for the volunteers from the 1st shift. 2nd hour is clean up and we ask that all volunteers stay and help for the entire clean-up period. Duties include wiping down and breaking down the tables, chairs and buffet tables. Managing the recycling center and throwing away the garbage. Sweeping and mopping the floor. Helping with dishes and cleaning of kitchen.
SHIFTS: Each shift has 9 spots and will be supported by a team of volunteer Team Leads.
Day: Mondays and Wednesdays from 7:15am-9:30am
Age Requirement: 16 years+
Duties include helping to register guests, pass out food, or offer guests coffee/tea. Clean up assistance afterwards is also required.
SHIFTS: Each shift has 7-9 spots and will be supported by a Team Captain who will provide hands-on training that day.