
Thank you for your interest in volunteering with Hope’s Corner. We are so excited to welcome you back! Below are the opportunities and guidelines for volunteering with us. Please read through them carefully and if you have any other questions, please contact Alice, our Head of Volunteers at acota@hopes-corner.org.

As our volunteer jobs are physical, it will require volunteers to be able to stand for 2 hours straight, possibly lift and carry heavy items up to 25 pounds, and climb stairs (for program greeters) etc. If you have any physical limitations, please contact us first BEFORE signing up so that we can see if we can safely accommodate your needs.

TO VOLUNTEER: Sign up here. We are still limiting the number of volunteers for everyone’s health so please do not show up if you are not signed up.

SIGNING UP WITH A GROUP: For group sign-ups, please contact Alice at acota@hopes-corner.org with your available date(s) and shift and how many spots you are interested in. You can view our availability calendar by signing up to be a volunteer (no need to commit by just signing up). Our dates are usually committed pretty far in advance so plan accordingly. Please note there may be a delay in responding as Alice is also a volunteer with Hope’s Corner.

SERVICE HOUR VERIFICATION: Please bring in any forms that you need signed or verified with you. They can be signed off by any Team Lead at the end of your shift. Or if electronic verification is required, you can email the request to acota@hopes-corner.org. You will need to be responsible for signing in and out of your shift so that the hours are counted. Please note there may be a delay in responding so submit all verifications in a timely manner. Verification requests must be submitted within a week of the shift.


CANCELLATIONS: If you cannot make a shift you signed up for, please cancel it via your confirmation email instructions as soon as possible so that we may find a sub for you.

QUESTIONS: Please contact Alice at acota@hopes-corner.org with any additional questions about volunteering. Please note there may be a delay in responding as Alice is also a volunteer with Hope’s Corner.

2024 Hope's Corner All Rights Reserved.