We are hiring a Part-Time Assistant Chef and a Part-Time Program Assistant!
Click here to learn more about the Part-Time Assistant Chef position.
Click here to learn more about the Part-Time Program Assistant position.
Email Tracie Wallace at twallace@hopes-corner.org to apply for either role (please specify the role you are applying for)!
Hope’s Corner meets the needs of our community by providing free nutritious meals and warm showers to anyone in need. We believe in one inclusive community that cares for all of its people. We couldn’t serve our community without our dedicated volunteers and generous donors. You are the true heroes. Thank you for being part of our shared mission.
Free hot breakfast and bag lunches are served every Monday 8am-9am, Wednesday 8am-9am and Saturday 8 am-10 am.
Free shower and laundry program operating hours are Monday 8:30am – noon, Wednesday 8:30 am-noon and Saturday 8:30 am-2:15 pm.
Where to Find Us
748 Mercy Street in downtown Mountain View. We are at the corner of Hope and Mercy Streets, one block from Castro Street
We are a tax-exempt nonprofit supported by donations and grants from individuals and organizations. Learn more >>
Explore our various volunteer opportunities and guidelines for volunteering with Hope’s Corner. Learn more >>
Read about our mission, vision, and values, in addition to learning about who we serve and the services we offer. Learn more >>